
We hope you plan to take advantage of retirement benefits offered to all MSC CIVMARs. In addition to the Retirement Benefits links and information listed below, please also keep the below points in mind to assist you in planning a smooth transition into retirement.

  • Make a fully-informed decision
  • Determine when you are able to retire
  • Identify your retirement income needs and develop appropriate financial plans for your retirement
  • Learn how the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) are calculated
  • Identify your federal health and life insurance benefits after retirement, as well as your entitlement to Social Security benefits, including Medicare
  • Explore how service is credited in the retirement computation
  • Identify TSP withdrawal options
  • Explore investment strategies
  • Learn the pros and cons of paying down a mortgage
  • Identify tax changes after retirement

eRetirement Information

eRetirement makes it easy to complete your retirement application. Click here for more information.

If you are within 360 days of voluntary retirement eligibility, you can use the eRetirement module in the Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) to prepare your retirement application. Read more here.

Part of an employee’s financial planning for retirement should include determining how much money they will receive. Retirement benefits as a federal employee are an important part of each employee’s financial plan.

Phased Retirement

Information on the Phased Retirement program signed into law in 2012 can be found here.

Pre-Retirement Planning Seminar

Who Should Attend?

CIVMARs covered by CSRS/FERS who are within 5-10 years of retirement should attend the Pre-Retirement Planning seminar. Those who do not anticipate retiring for 10 or more years should attend the Mid-Career Retirement Planning seminar.

How Do I Attend?

Request a seminar through your supervisor, if you’re onboard a ship. Contact your Marine Placement Specialist if between assignments. Provide dates of availability, location and your retirement system (FERS or CSRS). Advanced Approval and timely submission is required.

Where are classes held?

Pre-retirement sessions are provided by the Navy at Norfolk and San Diego locations. Vendors also provide retirement planning sessions all over the country and will be approved on a case-by-case basis. On-site sessions can be provided for groups/ships. MSC Masters may contact the Retirement Training Coordinator, 757-443-2803 to coordinate dates.

NOTE: Retirement planning seminars are an additional benefit to helping you improve your retirement outlook. MSC will only pay tuition. Planning for retirement should begin about five years in advance.

Contact the MSC CIVMAR Training Branch, 757-443-2803 for locations and schedules.

Retirement Military Deposit