It is the Policy of the Command to provide EEO to all employees, former employees, and applicants for employment regardless of race, color religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or reprisal for prior participation in protected EEO activity. MSC is dedicated to supporting the spirit and intent of the EEO program to the fullest extent possible. We must be one workforce, military and civilian, working together to meet our mission. As a model employer with a diverse and effective workforce, we must all be committed to the principles of EEO. All MSC personnel are required to be trained annually in EEO procedures.

Vision, Mission & Goals


To provide customer-based, equal opportunity services having strategic value throughout Military Sealift Command by recognizing the inseparable relationship between EEO and an environment that stimulates job satisfaction, innovation, a high level of morale, and mission accomplishment


To promote an afloat and ashore civilian workforce that is reflective of our nation and to ensure all persons are treated fairly in employment matters.


  • Develop EEO policies and procedures for MSC
  • Provide leadership and guidance to managers and supervisors on EEO
  • Ensure that all MSC policies, practices and procedures are in compliance with federal EEO statutes, laws, and regulations
  • Manage effective EEO programs
  • Improve the outreach, recruitment, and retention of minorities, women, and persons with disabilities
  • Maintain an EEO complaint processing system that is streamlined, efficient and resolves complaints at the lowest level possible
  • Effectively resolve workplace disputes by enhancing communication between employees and managers
  • Train leaders to be committed to supporting and developing our workforce
  • Foster an environment that respects the entire workforce and provides opportunities for employees to contribute to fulfilling the MSC mission

EEO Programs & Services

Complaint Processing


  • Intro to EEO for Managers/Supervisors
  • Barrier Analysis/MD-715
  • ADR

Employee and Management Advisory Services

  • Staff Assistance Visits
  • Climate Assessment Surveys
  • Program Evaluations
  • Employee Exit Surveys