Leadership Training Programs


MSC invests significantly in their leaders of today and in growing their leaders for tomorrow by promoting and supporting our employees in many Federal Government, DoD, DON and private institution leadership programs each year.  Leadership programs have detailed application guidelines, are grade specific and courses vary in length of time. Below you will find a brief description of each program and additional information is available by accessing the links below. 

Executive Leadership Development Program

Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) class of 2019 - The Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) provides participants extensive exposure to the roles and mission of DoD. In addition, the program helps participants develop a greater understanding and appreciation of what war fighters refer to as being "at the tip of the spear."

ELDP Overview
ELDP Fact Sheet
ELDP Application Package
ELDP Application Package - Sample

Naval War College Senior Level Program

Naval War College (NWC) Senior Level Program 2019-2020 - The Naval War College (NWC) is an accredited Joint Professional Military Education institution providing students with exceptional opportunities to join senior and intermediate level U.S. and international military leaders and distinguished interagency colleagues in an intensive, ten-month program of national security studies in Newport, Rhode Island.  Graduates who satisfactorily complete course requirements earn a Master of Arts Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies.

NWC Application Form
NWC Nomination Package Checklist

Defense Senior Leader Development Program, Class of 2019  (Deadline June 7, 2019)

Defense Senior Leader Development Program, Class of 2019.  Civil Service employees in GS-15 positions, Military or CIVMAR equivalent may apply.  The program is competency-based approach to the delibverate development of senior civilian leaders with the enterprise-wide perspective needed to lead organizations and programs (10 months).  

Deadline to apply:  June 7, 2019

2019 DSLDP Proposed Training Schedule.pdf

2019_DSLDP Application Package.pdf

2019_DSLDP Overview.pdf

DSLDP Checklist.docx

DSLDP - Fact Sheet.docx

DSLDP OCHR Program Info.pdf

DSLDP Sample Application Package.pdf

FY 19 Combined Memorandum.pdf

Professional Military Education Guidance rev.pdf

New Leader Program, Class of 2019  (Deadline May 31, 2019)

New Leader Program (NLP), Class of 2019.  Civil Service employees in GS 07-11 positions, Military or CIVMAR equivalent may apply. This program aims to develop future public service leaders by providing assessment, experiential learning, and individual development opportunities.  (6 months total: 3 weeks residence plus 30 day development assignment)

Deadline to apply:  May 31, 2019

FY 19 Combined Memorandum.pdf

New Leader Program Checklist.docx

NLP Application 2019.docx

NLP Program Overview.pdf

Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP), Class of 2019  (Deadline May 31, 2019)

Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP), Class of 2019.  Civil Service employees in GS-07-12 positions, Military or CIVMAR equivalent may apply.  Recruits and develops the next generation of innovative leaders with the technical competence to meet the future needs of the Department.  (6 months total; 21 days in residence).

Deadline to apply:  May 31, 2019

2019 -DCELP Cover Page.pdf

2019_DCELP Application Package.pdf

2019_DCELP Program Overview.pdf

DCELP Checklist.docx

DCELP OCHR Program Info.pdf

DCELP Sample Application Pkg-Other.pdf

FY 19 Combined Memorandum.pdf

Senior Executive Service Development Seminars, Class of 2019  (Deadline Apr 26, 2019)

Senior Executive Service Development Seminars, Class of 2019.  Civil Service employees in GS-14-15 positions, Military and CIVMAR equivalent may apply.  These seminars provide opportunities to enhance qualifications for entrance into the SES, or current members of the SES seeking refresher training.

Deadline:  Apr 26, 2019.

FY 19 Combined Memorandum.pdf

Sample -SF-182 -SES.pdf

SES Developmental Seminars Checklist.docx

SES Program Info.pdf

Capitol Hill Workshop Program, Class of 2019-2020  (Deadline Apr 26, 2019)

Capitol Hill Workshop Program, Class of 2019-2020.  Civil Service employees in GS 11-15 positions, Military or CIVMAR equivalent may apply.  This workshop provides opportunities for Department of Navy employees to receive a first-hand understanding not only of congressional process and procedure, but also the unique culture surrounding the United States Congress (4 days).

Deadline:  April 26, 2019

Capitol Hill Workshop Checklist.docx

CHW Registration and Payment Info.pdf

FY 19 Combined Memorandum.pdf

GAI Course Registration Form.pdf


Sample SF-182 - Navy Capitol Hill.pdf

Aspiring Leader Program, Class of 2019-2020  (Deadline Apr 26, 2019)

Graduate School USA's Aspiring Leader Program (ALP), Class of 2019-2020.  Civil Service employees in GS 4-6 positions, Military or CIVMAR equivalent may apply.  This program provides individuals with a foundation for understanding and practicing core leadership skills and competencies that are essential to the success of an organization. (2 months total: one week a month for 2 months).

Deadline: April 26, 2019

ALP Application 2019.docx

ALP Nomination Package Checklist.docx

ALP Program Overview.pdf

FY 19 Combined Memorandum.pdf

Executive Leadership Program (ELP), Class of 2019-2020  (Deadline Apr 12, 2019)

Civil Service employees in GS 11-13 positions, Military or CIVMAR equivalent may apply.  This program provides training and developmental experiences for individuals through experiential learning and individual development opportunities. (9 months total: 4 week residence plus 60 days development assignment).  Electronic copies of the MSC training announcement for this program and ELP Application are provided in the attachments below.

Deadline:  12 April 2019

ELP Nomination Package Checklist.docx

ELP Overview.pdf

ELP_Application_2019-2020 rev.docx

FY 19 Combined Memorandum.pdf

US Army Command and General Staff College Intermediate Level Education (ILE), Class of 2019-2020  (Deadline Apr 12, 2019)

US Army Command and General Staff College Intermediate-Level Education (ILE) Program Class of 2019-2020.  This program is open to GS-12-15, Military or CIVMAR equivalent.

This is a graduate level institution which educates and develops leaders for full spectrum joint, interagency, and multinational operations.  This course is designed to educate adult learners on the uses of military power at the operational and tactical levels and on how those capabilities fit into our national security strategy. (11 month residence in KS)

Applicants must possess a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university and have a Secret Clearance.   There is no Tuition cost; however, all mileage, travel, or other reimbursement costs must be funded by the respective Competency Manager, Functional Director, or Program Manager. 

Civil Service employees selected to attend this program will be required to sign and fulfill a continued service agreement in the amount of three times the length of the training period.

Electronic copies of the MSC training announcement for this program and ILE Application are provided in the attachments below.

Deadline:  12 April 2019

Course Overviews.docx

FY 19 Combined Memorandum.pdf

ILE CGSOC Quick Look AY18.pptx

US Army General Staff College ILE Checklist.docx

Executive Potential Program, Class of 2019-2020  (Deadline Apr 1, 2019)

Graduate School USA's Executive Potential Program (EPP), Class of 2019-2020.  Civil Service employees in GS-13 through GS-15 positions and military personnel in equivalent positions may apply.  This program is developed under ECQ with emphasis on Leading Change.  Participants learn to think and work strategically to meet visions and goals of the organization. (1 year total: 4 week residence plus 120 day development assignment).

Civil Service employees selected to attend this program will be required to sign and fulfill a continued service agreement in the amount of three times the length of the training period.
Electronic copies of the MSC training announcement for this program and EPP Application are provided in the attachments below.

Deadline:  1 April 2019
EPP Overview.pdf

Executive Potential Program Checklist.docx

FY 19 Combined Memorandum.pdf