Priorities that Matter
Total Force Management (TFM) is working hard to address and lay to rest the ghosts of our past so that we are ready for the big opportunities on the horizon in our continued service to the U.S. Navy and the entire Department of Defense. While we do not claim to be perfect, we continue to complete action items to support the CIVMAR, be innovative in addressing challenges, to be communicative with you and all parts of our workforce and to push hard to move our ships and processes forward. We developed the TFM Top 6 Priorities.

Updates you Want
Headway is being made with MYMSC. Here is a flyer with important news for you.
Rear Admiral Sobeck was featured in Marine Link recently talking about our way forward. Read more here

One of the items under the First Class Marine Placement Program was to transition to a 24/7 CIVMAR Support Center (CSC). That is now live and is manned by personnel who care about helping find the answers you need. If you need help, any of the previous numbers you may have called will still work, but there is now a dedicated CIVMAR specific number that will connect you and be easy to remember 1-877-CIVMAR-1. You can also reach the CSC via email at and additional ways to contact will come in the coming weeks.
The effort to get more shore leave in place for our CIVMARs continues. Currently, while it has been approved by the president, we are waiting for implementation instructions from DoD & OPM.
As a Command we are working to try to implement the new 4:2 rotation as quickly as possible.
This new rotation will require additional CIVMARs to support the additional time off for you our CIVMARs. You can help us build word of mouth and also earn money with each referral of an eligible new hire. Learn more about this Referral Bonus Program
Virtual Pool is coming soon.
While we test and refine the technology for the MyMSC app there are things you can do to ensure you are ready to use the tool. Those are:
- Make sure address and contact info is up to date. See the Forms section to download the needed forms to submit your information
- Ensure all of your training records are up-to-date
- Keep your credentials and medical certificates up to date
Keep Coming Back
This page will be updated regularly with information that will help you feel more connected. Bookmark this page, or just remember that will be the place where we will share updates, information on retention bonuses, promotions, newsletters, and where we will seek your opinion on topics that will help us serve you better.